Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Why do we obey?

In our everyday lives we are conducting ourselves under the law and rules and regulations. There are many kinds of law like our constitution and some like religious law. No matter what kind they are we obey them. We obey them because, like for the constitution, we do not want to receive the consequences given to those who disobey the law. For the other kind of law such as religion we obey because, maybe, we believe in the concept of heaven and hell. For cultural law, we obey it because we do not want to be stigmatized or shunned by our society. Many obey rules because they benifit from it and do not want to take in the consequences given to those who will disobey them. We obey law because we are afraid to disobey them. Law is conducted and regulated by the government. They can also exact punishments for those who will disobey it. We obey the government because it is a very powerful body. They have the power to tell us what our limitations are.
We are oblige to obey the government of a certain country because we are citizens of that certain country. We have our rights but at the same time we have our duties and one of them is to abide by the law. We are required to obey the government because it is what expected from a good citizen. We are oblige to obey it because the act of following them is part of the idea of having a good and progressive country. We are oblige to obey because there are penalties if we disobey them. We are oblige to obey it because it was they order us to do. We are oblige but we are not aware of the idea of obligation and we obey the government because of facts such as love and respect for the country.
Although sometimes we ask ourselves if a government is worth obeying. There came a time that Martial Law prevailed in our country and in that time many Filipinos felt that they must make a stand and refuse to comply to the government. When the government is oppressing the people that causes the igdination and justification for disobeying the government. Only one type of government deserves our obedience andd it is the good government. A good government deserves our obedience. With a good government we do not feel oblige to obey them but rather honored to obey them.

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