Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What is the future of nation states in the age of globalization?

In this age of globalization many things have change. Our technology to the way of our living have changed a great deal. Although, we cannot say if our change was for better or worse. It might, actually, be both. Nation states are part of our everyday living and we are very aware of them. We have a full sense of what they are. In this age of globalization being aware of them as 'entities' is very important.
What is their future in this age of globalization? I do not fear that in this age of globalization wherein there are many attempts of integration of, not only economies, but also culture that there would be a deterioration of their sovereignty. They should not fear the loss of that because that would always be innate for nation states. Thus, in this age of globalization there would be nation states that would come up with norms or customs that are somewhat the same with other states.
Nation states can use globalization for pushing or increasing their gains. They can also use globalization as a way for peace. Through globalization they can easily show other nation states their customs, beliefs, ideologies and other things that can help them to be understood by other nation states. They can use globalization to gain support or form alliances. The future for them is as bright as they can imagine. They just need to use the tool, which is globalization in this case, creatively and wisely.
This age of globalization brings good future for the nation states but it can also bring bad things to them. Other nation states might see this as an opportunity to exploit weaker nation states. Others seemed to be getting left behind, with the fast paced world brought by technology and machines some nation states do not have the capacity to join the bandwagon. Others use globalization not a tool for peace but an excuse for waging war towards others.
We must see globalization the right way. We should not abuse the power given off by globalization. If we remember these then the future of nation states in the age of globalization is very bright.

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