Saturday, February 20, 2010

Do colonialism and slavery belong to the past?

Colonialism and slavery are things of the past for me. They do not belong anymore in these days. They do not have any use anymore. Colonialism is very outdated for our world. Thi cannot continue nor happen. States are sovereign and they will not allow other states to colonize them. With the advent of nuclear weapons and making alliances, colonialism will be very hard to materialized. It is not the way of the world anymore. States do not colonized other states. If they want to "help" other states they can now simply give aids. If they want to use the resources of other states they can now simply draft treaties and such. If they want to influence other states the media is easily accessible to everyone. No one need to colonized because the things they want to achieve through colonialism can be easily achieve with other means in these days of globalization.
Another thing is slavery. This act should never belong to any time line. The creation of civilization and societies one of the requirements is having a hierarchy. Then, it is no wonder why slavery exist. It does belong to the past and should be left in the past. We have no use for it anymore. Anyways, people, like in socialist or communist states, do work for low wages. We do not slaves anymore. Also, there are technologies that can negate the need for slaves.

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