Sunday, February 28, 2010

How is the world organized economically?

If the world is organized economically then the world is divided economically. We are organized or classified by what our economy is. There can two types of states, the rich ones and the poor ones. How sad is that? It is true that we are organized economically, it was not asked to be done but it was done. We are classified by the state of our economy, if it was highly industrialized, developing, or developed. They can also organized us economically through our gross domestic product (GDP) or by how much debt we have. We can be organized economically by seeing and comparing the standards of living of citizens of every state. We are highly organized by our economy. Our economy can say if we are one of the strongest state in the international arena or just one of those insignificant countries that are being given aid to.
In the world of economy the name G7 is very popular. It is a group consisted of six states which are France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom and the United States. They discuss about economic policies and issues. For me, if we organized the world economically, they are on the top of the pyramid. Rich states, I think, do not think about the world being organized economically. They are more interested with the powers that are incorporated by their economies.
The great power the United States is set apart economically because they are the so-called hegemon. By now, following the argument the if we are organized then we are divided economically, we can say that even if we are divided economically we cannot deny that we are now interdepent economically speaking. This is because of globalization. Our economies became intertwined and even if the United States is set apart their recent economic recession is felt by everyone.
By organizing ourselves economically we must see that there is inequality, especially with the distribution of resources. We cannot deny that we are organized economically because we see ourselves and identy ourselves by what our economic status is. We already defined and organized that way.

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