Sunday, February 28, 2010

How is the world organized economically?

If the world is organized economically then the world is divided economically. We are organized or classified by what our economy is. There can two types of states, the rich ones and the poor ones. How sad is that? It is true that we are organized economically, it was not asked to be done but it was done. We are classified by the state of our economy, if it was highly industrialized, developing, or developed. They can also organized us economically through our gross domestic product (GDP) or by how much debt we have. We can be organized economically by seeing and comparing the standards of living of citizens of every state. We are highly organized by our economy. Our economy can say if we are one of the strongest state in the international arena or just one of those insignificant countries that are being given aid to.
In the world of economy the name G7 is very popular. It is a group consisted of six states which are France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom and the United States. They discuss about economic policies and issues. For me, if we organized the world economically, they are on the top of the pyramid. Rich states, I think, do not think about the world being organized economically. They are more interested with the powers that are incorporated by their economies.
The great power the United States is set apart economically because they are the so-called hegemon. By now, following the argument the if we are organized then we are divided economically, we can say that even if we are divided economically we cannot deny that we are now interdepent economically speaking. This is because of globalization. Our economies became intertwined and even if the United States is set apart their recent economic recession is felt by everyone.
By organizing ourselves economically we must see that there is inequality, especially with the distribution of resources. We cannot deny that we are organized economically because we see ourselves and identy ourselves by what our economic status is. We already defined and organized that way.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What is the future of nation states in the age of globalization?

In this age of globalization many things have change. Our technology to the way of our living have changed a great deal. Although, we cannot say if our change was for better or worse. It might, actually, be both. Nation states are part of our everyday living and we are very aware of them. We have a full sense of what they are. In this age of globalization being aware of them as 'entities' is very important.
What is their future in this age of globalization? I do not fear that in this age of globalization wherein there are many attempts of integration of, not only economies, but also culture that there would be a deterioration of their sovereignty. They should not fear the loss of that because that would always be innate for nation states. Thus, in this age of globalization there would be nation states that would come up with norms or customs that are somewhat the same with other states.
Nation states can use globalization for pushing or increasing their gains. They can also use globalization as a way for peace. Through globalization they can easily show other nation states their customs, beliefs, ideologies and other things that can help them to be understood by other nation states. They can use globalization to gain support or form alliances. The future for them is as bright as they can imagine. They just need to use the tool, which is globalization in this case, creatively and wisely.
This age of globalization brings good future for the nation states but it can also bring bad things to them. Other nation states might see this as an opportunity to exploit weaker nation states. Others seemed to be getting left behind, with the fast paced world brought by technology and machines some nation states do not have the capacity to join the bandwagon. Others use globalization not a tool for peace but an excuse for waging war towards others.
We must see globalization the right way. We should not abuse the power given off by globalization. If we remember these then the future of nation states in the age of globalization is very bright.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Do colonialism and slavery belong to the past?

Colonialism and slavery are things of the past for me. They do not belong anymore in these days. They do not have any use anymore. Colonialism is very outdated for our world. Thi cannot continue nor happen. States are sovereign and they will not allow other states to colonize them. With the advent of nuclear weapons and making alliances, colonialism will be very hard to materialized. It is not the way of the world anymore. States do not colonized other states. If they want to "help" other states they can now simply give aids. If they want to use the resources of other states they can now simply draft treaties and such. If they want to influence other states the media is easily accessible to everyone. No one need to colonized because the things they want to achieve through colonialism can be easily achieve with other means in these days of globalization.
Another thing is slavery. This act should never belong to any time line. The creation of civilization and societies one of the requirements is having a hierarchy. Then, it is no wonder why slavery exist. It does belong to the past and should be left in the past. We have no use for it anymore. Anyways, people, like in socialist or communist states, do work for low wages. We do not slaves anymore. Also, there are technologies that can negate the need for slaves.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Why do we obey?

In our everyday lives we are conducting ourselves under the law and rules and regulations. There are many kinds of law like our constitution and some like religious law. No matter what kind they are we obey them. We obey them because, like for the constitution, we do not want to receive the consequences given to those who disobey the law. For the other kind of law such as religion we obey because, maybe, we believe in the concept of heaven and hell. For cultural law, we obey it because we do not want to be stigmatized or shunned by our society. Many obey rules because they benifit from it and do not want to take in the consequences given to those who will disobey them. We obey law because we are afraid to disobey them. Law is conducted and regulated by the government. They can also exact punishments for those who will disobey it. We obey the government because it is a very powerful body. They have the power to tell us what our limitations are.
We are oblige to obey the government of a certain country because we are citizens of that certain country. We have our rights but at the same time we have our duties and one of them is to abide by the law. We are required to obey the government because it is what expected from a good citizen. We are oblige to obey it because the act of following them is part of the idea of having a good and progressive country. We are oblige to obey because there are penalties if we disobey them. We are oblige to obey it because it was they order us to do. We are oblige but we are not aware of the idea of obligation and we obey the government because of facts such as love and respect for the country.
Although sometimes we ask ourselves if a government is worth obeying. There came a time that Martial Law prevailed in our country and in that time many Filipinos felt that they must make a stand and refuse to comply to the government. When the government is oppressing the people that causes the igdination and justification for disobeying the government. Only one type of government deserves our obedience andd it is the good government. A good government deserves our obedience. With a good government we do not feel oblige to obey them but rather honored to obey them.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Why is the world divided territorially?

Territory is said to be one of the core elements of being a state. According to Merriam-Webster dictionary territory is a geographic area belonging to or under the jurisdiction of a governmental authority. If we follow the thought of this meaning then we are divided territorially because we being governed by numerous authorities. Our territory is defined by our government. Territory is not only defined in land but also in the seas.
Another reason, I think, we are divided territorially is because it is more convinient that way. If there is no division then we would need a central authority to govern us. Having a central authority will be so much taxing and it might even fail. Nowadays, governments are having diffuculties governing their country, even a small country is hard to 'maintain'. If this is happening then what more for a single government that will govern the whole world and all 195 states. We divide ourselves because it is easier that way. We are divided because, probably, no one wants to be the single authority of the world. Yes, states want to be the most powerful but not anymore with acquisition of territory and this is why no one will take the responsibility of being a single power of authority.
Also, we are divided because all states are sovereign. We already have chosen our territory or someone have already chosen a territory for them. We are divided as a respect and following the concept of sovereignty. We are divided and because of that we form our sense of independence, that we are different from those people across the other border. The world is divided territorially because sovereignty wants to preserve the identy of each states.
The world is divided territorially because we established our differences already. Such differences might be in our form of government, economy, or even our culture. Again, it would fall under convenience. We choose to be divided because we cannot see a stable world who is trying to be one. To be not divided territorially is to be one with others, meaning adopting only one form of government, economy, and even integration of cultures. This would be hard because we are only accustomed to the things we have now. A communist state cannot imagineitself to be federal and vice-versa. A rich state cannot see itself sharing its goods to very poor states who in return cannot give anything. And, lastly, cultures are very hard to impose to others. The world is divided territorially because being divided that way gives each state reasons to stay independent, free from foreign ruling, or even free celebrating and practicing their own cultures.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

How do we find out what's going on in the world?

Globalization enable us to get information about the world. It pave the way to better communication and spread of news. So, how do we find out what is going on in the world? According to Debbie Lisle, we must be curious first and then find ways to sastify our curiousity. Nowadays, our technology gives us a lot of option on how to sastify our curiousity from newspaper to internet. What we do not know is just a single click away. These media let us in and let us know what is going on not only in a limited place but all over the world. Media is giving us the power of knowledge and it is because of that that we are much hooked to it. Media, especially the telivision, is very accessible these days and we are very fortunate for that fact.
Media makes us realizes that abstract ideas can happen or what it looks like, like love or war. It is because of media that we understand the impact of things such as wars, economic recession, or globalization. Debbie Lisle used the word 'express'. Media expresses the things and events that are happening in the world. Most likely, we based our reactions and action on how the media expresses the things in our world. Media can also sway public opinion especially with issues such as human rights. They have the power to show another thing rather than what is really happening. They can affect emotions easily and can also promotes ideologies faster. We interpret those what we see and it might put us to disadvantage rather than help us. Therefore, we must be critical viewers.
We must be critical. One reason is because the media cannot help itself to be biased. It is their nature to be biased. With these we must also know from which side, framework, partiality, or concepts does the media have. It is also safe to take in many medias to see a pattern about a news or just to search a paper or channel that you would much prefer. Another reason to be critical is media can be easily influenced or even tampered with especially by powerful forces like the government. During the Marcos regime all forms of media cannot show or promote anti-government sentiments. In China every channel is regulated by their government and thus all news must be leaning towards them. We must be critical to question if what we see and hear are really the truths.
All in all, media is one of the factors of how we form our opinions towards global politics and globalization. A pro-globalization can show only the big skyscrapers and the money being generated from globalization and an anti-globalization can show only the destruction of the environment and quality of life in a factory, based on what the audience sees that is where he or she will form an opinion towards globalization. Media is that powerful. It already exercised its powers with issues like war when it can easily be used as a medium for propaganda and such. In the end it might be that media is the one consuming us rather than the idea of us consuming media. We must be aware of the medias flaws. We must be always critical.