Thursday, March 18, 2010

Internet, Web 2.0, and Social Networking

The Internet is a part of my everday live but I guess not as much as some of my friends for I am still able to not go online for a day or for a week. I must admit though that I have this need to check of my email every day if there is school and once every two weeks if I'm on a break. The Internet indeed changed my life once I had the power or capacity to access it. Back in high school I do not an easy access to the Internet and that is why I rarely access it but now in college everywhere I go is wifi zone or I just plugged in my broadband and I hava Internet access already. As a university student, the Internet is very vital for my survival and a good example is this course which requires us to post blogs.
Indeed, Internet affects the everyday lives of people. How many people go online per day? How many people are already members of the various social networking sites? How may twits or reblog are there per day? How many 'Like'-d your status this day? Internet is also used by people for research, for academics or just for anything. Mainly, people use the Internet as a communication tool. They use it to talk with people that are in the far reaches of the Earth for them. They use it to spread words. They use it to send a message or post a video. They use to be heard. The Internet affects the everyday life people because it is like society in the way that it affects how people act or perceive things. Society has this power to dictate or influence people on how one should act and Internet, already, has this power. Internet, also, has the capacity to spread and introduce different cultures to people and because of this people becomes aware or acquire other culture.
Like what I stated above the Internet had all those effect over me. The Internet made my life easire by helping me find materials for research with just a click away. It also introduced me to new cultures in terms of new different genre of songs, fashion, new technological devices, and the likes. The Internet affected my life by making me closer to the people that are far, distance wise, from me. We can now spend time chatting which is more cheaper than calling and we can see each other through webcams.
Web 2.0 is a great help if we use it a good way. Like now it is used for easier research about things by this way of Google. Then we can also disseminate messages by using blogs or posting videos. For development, that is such a great tool because it can help us to make people aware about what is happening in the world and about issues like the so-called digital divide. Web 2.0 can also help us, if not to close, maybe to make the digital divide narrower. It is by making the world aware that there is such a thing and there are ways to solve it.
In Web 2.o there is the birth of those things called social networking and one of the famous sites is Facebook. Is it good or bad? It is good in a way that it really makes you connected to your friends. It is good because it helps you to make new friends. It is good because it offers a mode of entertainment. Although, it is not perfect and it has its bad side too. It is bad when you offer too much information or when its seems that you are bared to the web. It is bad because it can lead to addiction that can make you forget your priorities. Like anything in the world it has its own good and bad side, it's just a matter of control and prioritizing.

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