Thursday, March 18, 2010

Human Nature

In my previous Philsophy classes it was always mentioned that man is the sum of all his actions. Although, we have differents actions thus there are different men. What is our human nature? Are we good or bad? Neither or both? Is there such a thing called human nature. According to those Existentialist philosophers there is no such thing as human nature. We must do things not out of our nature but because we chose to do it. Then, following this course of thought, human nature is neither and both good or bad. Neither because it may not exist and both because there is no inherent nature but we chose what that nature would be. If we chose then the existence of both good and evil human nature is possible. I do not think that there is such a thing called human nature and that is why I think a good and evil is the 'nature' of the human person.
People think they are good if they are holy. But what is holy? We cannot be Jesus for every individual is unique. Therefore, other people considered themselves holy when they teach the words of their god and when they act the way their god told them to. People think they are good when they are above of others. They are above in moral because they do such things. They are above in social status because they have more money. They are above because they are different and feel superior from the others. With these things, I think people should not think that they are good because of such. Peopel think they can do good when their intent will help others, for not only temporarily but for some time.
There are many good people out there but their goodness are being hindered. People are prevented from doing good when they see no goodness in their environment. Like the child warriors, children have the capacity to do good but without proper guidance all they will want to do is to hold armaments and kill who they deemed enemies. They are also prevented in doing good when they lack the resources. An example is that you want to donate your old clothes in a far away place because they need clothers immediately but you do not have a car to take them and deliver them thus your opportunity of donating was extracted from you. It is not because you lack the will but it is because you cannot complete your resources. Lastly, they are prevented in doing good because there is such litte incentive. Sometimes, people work for incentive.
No conflict is justifiable. Politicals leaders should think about this that there are no justification for conflicts especially with conflicts like total war. World leaders should be able to indentify the problems or the source of a problem that they are facing. They can promote peace and end global violence by practicing peace and non-violence also. They can promote peace and strip-off peace by learning from history. Lastly, they can change everything if they are willing to hear such teachings.

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